Friday, July 15, 2011

No More Computer Woes for a Few Days

As computer woes follow me--and have all of my life with a PC--I have emerged from my last series with my less than six months old computer. So they replaced a new hard drive and a new keyboard and speakers.

Laptop destruction

One would think I use the computer for a battering ram or taken a hammer to it instead of sitting in my zero gravity chair with it on my specially designed laptop table to allow cool circulation.

But the hard drive is in place. Thank God for my external back up drive, cuz the dropbox and Mozy and Norton didn't work. Yes, I used all of them because I've been through this before.

I am learning that the deeper my files, the longer the path and the hard drive won't copy a long path. My inane way of creating relational sub-files is not helpful when it comes to hard drives. So I am trying to find back ups of my files I can't locate. Yes, I backed up some to disk and some to an obscure email address. It's like hide and seek for adults.

In the meantime, I have also been participating in SavvyAuthor's bootcamp and revision hell, cranking out the word count. Did more than my NaNo last year. Wrote 14,546 words in one day--my all time high. Of course, it was down right silly, when I went back to edit those last sentences written at the end of the day. Gobbledegook I believe is the word for it. :D

I was borrowing laptops and computers where I could. Hit and miss and lacking continuity for signing in. I didn't have all my sign in passwords. I've changed that, too. Prepare for the mishaps. I should've been a boyscout.

Well, I hope this finds you well, and for those that write, may your words slide through your fingertips onto the page in brilliant style. I am sure I won't have any computer woes at least for a few days. LOL